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Suburban excursions favored in holiday with good weather

2022-01-05 09:53 来源: 0 条评论
Visitors having fun in the snow at Jinfo Mountain Scenic Area in Nanchuan District on January 1 (Phototgraphed by Ju Mingbin/Visual Chongqing)
A member of the public recording her children playing at Jiulongtan Binjiang Park on January 2 (Phototgraphed by Zhong Zhibing/Visual Chongqing)
Visitors at Hongyan Revolutionary Memorial Hall on January 1 (Phototgraphed by Zhao Yingzhao/Visual Chongqing)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On January 2, the reporter of Chongqing Daily learned from a number of scenic spots in the city that the weather was sunny on the New Year’s Day holiday, and under the premise of good epidemic prevention and control, the tourism market in Chongqing developed smoothly and orderly, and suburban excursions were quite popular.

In Fuling Mexin Wine Town Scenic Area, visitors can either climb up the 4500° spiral staircase to the sun and make a good wish for the New Year, or take a ride on the small train along the river to enjoy the lake and mountains, or play in the amusement park…

“We have upgraded the park in order to increase the experience of our visitors, adding new items such as the three-sided frog jump, the princess carousel and the windmill kingdom, and the number of visitors received in a single day has exceeded 40,000,” The person in charge of Mexin Wine Town Scenic Area introduced.

In addition to displaying relics from Jiangjin from the Stone Age to November 28, 1949, Jiangjin Museum also has a special display of a pair of vertical-hanging scrolls of Chen Duxiu’s “Cursive Seven-word Couplet” collected by auction. This pair of vertical-hanging scrolls is in good condition and is one of Chen Duxiu’s handwriting in excellent quality, attracting many visitors by appointment.

Jiangjin Culture Museum held the Second Calligraphy Competition Exhibition in Jiangjin District, displaying 189 pieces of works, including 69 award-winning works and 19 invited works, attracting many people to enjoy the charm of calligraphy art.

Simian Mountain Scenic Area is now covered with snow, just like a beautiful ink painting, attracting a large number of visitors to enjoy the snow and scenery.

Preliminary statistics from Jiangjin Culture and Tourism Committee show that the District received more than 30,000 visitors on a single day during the New Year’s Day holiday, with the tourism market recovering in a smooth and orderly manner. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]


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